CODEC - Christian Communication in a Digital Age

an amalgamation of three research centres at St John's exploring:

- Biblical Literacy
- Preaching and Communication
- Theology & Cultural Engagement

Working in partnership with:
Churches Media Council & The Bible Society

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Connecting with Digital Symposium

Route 1 -
Whether you are attending Digital Symposium or not, you can keep updated here on the blog. You can read blog entries, add comments, listen to podcasts and watch videocasts. You will also find "google docs" versions of notes taken during the various conversation streams and contribute to these and comment on them.

So Route 1 = Blogspot Website!

Route 2 - @digitalsymp on Twitter
Find @digitalsymp on your Twitter App - available via internet on PC/Mac or iPhone or mobiles and then FOLLOW @digitalsymp. We will follow you too! This will mean that you will be able to read comments coming from the Conference giving you the gist of what is happening and being said. Moreover, direct messages (D @digitalsymp) will be displayed in the Symposium meeting room for speakers and attendees to engage with. So you can read what is happening via Twitter and even have your say in the meeting whether you are in Durham or Auckland. Of course, remember we are running at BST (GMT+1).

If you are attending the conference - when you sign up to follow @digitalsymp, then send in a quick message to say who you are, why your coming, what interests you have - all in less than 140 characters!

So Route 2 = Twitter @digitalsymp

Route 3 -
A more limited service will be run on our home website offering some podcasts, news and highlights.

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