CODEC - Christian Communication in a Digital Age

an amalgamation of three research centres at St John's exploring:

- Biblical Literacy
- Preaching and Communication
- Theology & Cultural Engagement

Working in partnership with:
Churches Media Council & The Bible Society

Friday, 17 July 2009

A letter from CMC

Dear friends,

I hope you enjoyed our time together in Durham. I was certainly glad to meet you in Rea...I mean "off-line". I've come away with lots to think about. Over the coming months we will try to pursue some of the outcomes we discussed.

One of these was that we should find ways to remain in contact. In order to do this ! I invite you to join the Churches' Media Council New Media Forum. You will find this at - or you can just click here. The Forum has a group for people who attended Christianity in the Digital Space. I'm grateful to Rachel Collinson (a dragon, but not a worship-leading one!) for setting this up for us.

It would be good to use this ning to advance our thinking about Christianity in the Digital Space. So please feel free to ask questions, add links, do some fresh thinking etc. The Twitter feed #digisymp will also remain open for more general chat.

CODEC blog is also open, with lots of content and responses to the symposium. I'd encourage you to go there too.

Look forward to continuing ! the conversation with you.

Best wishes,

Andrew Graystone

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